
Awards & Certificates

Red dot & Femb Level 3

Red Dot Award 2024: Award for CoMeet 

We are proud to announce that our CoMeet has won the prestigious Red Dot Design Award! This honor underlines our commitment to the concept of the entire range of variants with outstanding design and functionality.

New FEMB level® 3 label for sustainable Klöber products

All current Klöber products have been awarded the level® 3 certificate in accordance with the highest standards of the European Office Furniture Federation (FEMB).

This certificate confirms that our furniture meets strict sustainability standards and is regularly checked. FEMB level® 3 is the only accredited standard for the green economy in Europe and takes into account almost all sustainability criteria for public procurement in Europe.

Certification takes place in four areas: Material, Energy & Atmosphere, Health & Ecosystem and Social Responsibility. It offers buyers a comprehensive overview of all relevant sustainability aspects.

Die Zertifizierung erfolgt in vier Bereichen: Material, Energie & Atmosphäre, Gesundheit & Ökosystem sowie soziale Verantwortung. Sie bietet Käufern einen umfassenden Überblick über alle relevanten Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte.